Get a business phone number for global coverage
0800 numbers — 00800 numbers — local phone numbers
Who we are
TeleForwarding is a global business phone number specialist, whose niche is in 0800 numbers, 00800 numbers, and local phone numbers. With our vast experience and expertise, we bundle the services of many global Telco providers. Our added value is creating a true one-stop shop solution for all your global telecom services, including the same exceptional service and support across all your lines and the broadest coverage across the world (>100 countries). That’s why our customers think so highly of us!
What we offer
- best quality of service
- global telecom services
- competitive rates
- volume discount
- perfect customer service
- quick provisioning of new numbers
- easy number management
- routing changes
- reliable, stable & secure connections
- smooth porting of existing numbers
- broadest global coverage available
0800 numbers
1 number
in 1 country
00800 numbers
1 number
in 45 countries
local phone numbers*
1 local area number
in 1 city/country
* Synonyms for a local phone numbers are: geonumbers, geographical number, virtual number, virtual phone numbers, landline and landline number, and normal number.
Discover the benefits of getting a new business phone number
Start: Buy your new business phone number
Explore the possibilities with our global telecom services portfolio of 0800 numbers, 00800 numbers, and local phone numbers. Get everything you need, in one place, with TeleForwarding as your telecommunications service provider. We keep it simple. 100% transparency in pricing and the costs of routing in your inbox in just 2 steps.
0800 numbers and 00800 numbers
A toll free number has undeniable benefits and can be used for a variety of business needs. Having dedicated 0800 numbers in the countries where your customers live makes contacting you by phone that much easier. Adding a +800 number to your contact arsenal allows customers in 45 countries contact you with a single number. This will show your global reach! Luckily, these numbers can be set-up in days and implemented in any tele-infrastructure!
Local phone numbers
Be present in cities and countries all over the world with local phone numbers. Show your foreign local customers that you understand the importance of having a local presence. Local phone numbers can also be set-up in days and implemented in any tele-infrastructure!
The advantages of porting your existing business phone number to a niche specialised telecommunications service provider
Switch: Bundle your existing business phone numbers
Transferring your existing business phone numbers to a single telecommunications service provider has never been easier. In just 4 simple steps, TeleForwarding can port your business phone numbers.
Request non-binding quote to switch your existing business phone numbers
Porting your existing business phone numbers
Need faster or better support? Tired of different SLAs and currencies? Want to request a business phone number for more countries or cities? Learn more about how bundling your telecom services with TeleForwarding can push your business to the next level!