International: +800 00123456 | USA: 1 855 444 3210

Additional Features

These Additional Features are always included

Global Call Forwarding

You have customers in Australia, America or Europe but you would like to answer their calls in the UK? Our additional features make it happen! All incoming calls to your freephone or local phone numbers can be routed to any landline or mobile phone anywhere in the world.

Free Change of Destination Number

You would like to change your destination number because your company is relocating or because you’re going away on business? No problem! We will change your destination number for you, free of charge.

Your Own Contact Person

You have a question or would like to get some extra advice? At TeleForwarding you always have your own contact person whom you can contact directly via phone or e-mail.  This means you always get direct support whenever you need it.

These Additional Features can be ordered separately *

Online Dashboard

Additional features like our Online Dashboard give you full control over all your local and freephone numbers. We provide you with a login for your personal account where you can change destination numbers, manage your call queue, create call statistics and much more.

IVR – Interactive Voice Response

An IVR system allows your callers to interact with a computerized voice menu using their telephone keypad. We offer a wide range of IVR options, from a simple list of menu choices ( “press 1 for customer service”) to an elaborate PIN verification system – all in various languages.

Call Statistics

Our Call Statistics feature enables you to create detailed and tailored reports using your latest call data. This will provide useful insights into your call centre’s performance levels and allows you to plan the use of resources more effectively and thereby improve overall efficiency.


Most people, and companies, are unable to answer the phone 24/7. However, this doesn’t mean you have to miss out on important phone calls. With Voice2Mail your callers can leave you a voice message that will be sent to you via e-mail. You can listen to your voice files online or download them to your computer.


Your international customers still like to send you faxes but you don’t have a fax machine? No problem! With the Fax2Mail Feature you can receive faxes without actually owning a fax machine. The Fax2Mail Feature converts your incoming faxes into PDF files which are sent to you via e-mail.

Time/Day Routing

With Time/Day Routing you can route your incoming calls based on the time of day when a call is made. You can, for instance, forward all incoming calls during business hours to a landline number while all calls coming in after hours, or during holidays, are forwarded to your mobile phone or a voice message. This allows you to offer your customers 24/7 availability and customer service.

Call Queue

Does your company or call centre experience fluctuations in call volume? Prepare yourself for peaks in call volume by implementing a call queue. You can combine the Call Queue feature with the Queue Monitor with which you can manage your call queue online and in real time.

Call Recording

Would you like to record calls, for instance for training or quality assurance purposes? Our Call Recording feature enables you to automatically record incoming calls and save them in an online database or download them to your computer.

Sequential Ringing

With Sequential Ringing you can forward your incoming calls to several devices or employees in a predetermined sequence. Is employee 1 not available? Then the call will be forwarded to employee 2. Is employee 2 absent as well? Then the calls will be forwarded to employee 3 or a Voice2Mail message et cetera.

Contact Us For More Information

* Additional costs apply

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